About Us

The mission of Experience Grand Rapids is to grow an exceptional community by sharing Grand Rapids with the world. What does that really mean? It means that we inspire tourism and conventions through short-term promotions, long-term marketing and sales strategies, and a focus on community developments that will impact the visitor experience.

Experience Grand Rapids is the official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for the area. We are the only community resource devoted to marketing the destination brand by raising visitor awareness of the region’s product – i.e., its appeal as a tourism and convention destination. Our efforts produce millions of dollars in direct and indirect revenues and taxes that uplift the local economy.

Experience GR Recognitions

Experience GR Recognitions

Bring It To GR

Do you belong to an organization or association that holds regional or national…

tourism in GR

tourism in GR

stories about our community's grand investment

stories about our community's grand investment