Unique meeting locations a short drive from Grand Rapids

Off-site meetings can be game-changers, and, if you get creative with the location, they can be combined with a lot of effective team building – or just plain fun. Ever tried your hand at target ax throwing with your coworkers? Or ridden a funicular to get to your meeting site? How about…

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The rise of Grand Rapids as a midsized meeting destination

Meeting planners are well aware of the cost advantages of midsized cities vs. first-tier meeting destinations. It’s just that affordability often takes a back seat to the allure and amenities of larger metropolitan areas. Grand Rapids, Michigan is upending that calculation by investing in meetings…

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Planning an outdoor event? 8 tips to help ensure success

A great outdoor event can be a spectacular experience that your guests will be talking about for days afterward. Whether the stories they tell are positive or negative will depend a lot on how much planning you put into it. Unlike indoor events, outdoor venues require a few extra checkboxes on your…

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